New Year 2025!
Thank you for traveling through 2024 with us. In the past year, we published over 100 Apple and Amazon reports and our subscriber base and readership more than doubled. In fact, Substack declared us a “Bestseller” for our growing paid subscriber count.
Our most popular Apple reports included:
And these are some of our most popular Amazon reports:
US Amazon Prime Membership Over the Past 12 years, Continued - What Percentage of Customers?
We Definitely Spoke Too Soon - Amazon Prime Membership Picks Up Again
Please let us know if there are any topics you would like to read about in the coming year.
We have a lot of ideas and will be tracking the news to see where our data can help explain what’s going on. We look forward to sharing them with you each week.
Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2025!